College, Career, and Life-Ready


Prepared for success in careers, lifelong learning, and life


content knowledge

  • Exhibits college and career readiness and an ability to connect education to meaningful employment and productive citizenship

  • Demonstrates the ability, knowledge, confidence, creativity, and initiative to take ownership in problem solving and goal setting

career and lifeskills

  • Thinks critically and has the ability to deconstruct global problems, create solutions, and effectively articulate processes and results

  • Applies creative thought to individually and collectively impact our region and the world as global-minded, innovative citizens

  • Commits to achieving their goals as life-long learners displaying resiliency, persistence, adaptability, and a strong work ethic


communication collaboration and leadership

  • Communicates and collaborates to effectively express ideas through speaking, writing, and multimedia

  • Respects, values, and embraces the diversity of others, as an inclusive leader, with an openness to new and unique ideas


positive sense of self and purpose

  • Conveys a positive sense of self, self-worth, and purpose

  • Maintains healthy interpersonal relationships and supportive personal, social, and professional networks

  • Sets goals to achieve full potential as empowered and committed individuals within the context of their family, community, and the world

  • Demonstrates the social, intellectual, and creative ability to act with integrity, empathy, and flexibility in making reasoned, ethical, and responsible decisions

boy grad holding diploma


  • Academically prepared with a diploma that verifies postsecondary readiness

  • College credit, a nationally-recognized professional certification, or both

  • Ten-year academic and career plan

  • College-ready PSAT score

  • Internship, work-based, service learning experience, and/or capstone research project

  • Completed at least one virtual course

  • Professional portfolio aligned with the 21st Century Employability Skills

What are the academies?

Your Pathway to Success

Creating purposeful learning communities through hands-on experiences and career-focused learning environments.


16 Academies 41 pathways

The Academies of Hampton

Providing students with a clear path for graduation and a smooth transition from high school to postsecondary college and careers.



steering committee

Steering & Operating

Guiding our Academies through Community Leadership.


get engaged

Get Involved Today!

Bettering our students, our educators, and our communities through strong partnerships.


student resources and opportunities

The Academies of Hampton

Summer Opportunities At No Cost to You.


The Academies of Hampton

The Academies of BHS

The Academies of HHS

The Academies of KHS

The Academies of PHS



the academies of hampton my future my journey
Tenth through twelfth grade students participate in academies organized around themes that support high-demand, high-skill careers in the Hampton Roads region. Academy students graduate with a plan for a successful future and network of support to guide them along their way!

Aoh of BHS

Aoh of HHS

Aoh of KHS

Aoh of PHS